We want your help. Okay not want – need. You got any idea how many chile festivals there are out there? No? We don’t either – not a blooming idea. But heck, we know it’s a lot. So why not tell us about your favorite chile festival. Maybe it’s one in your own neighbourhood. Maybe it’s one you discovered on your travels (personally we’d like to go to Chilifest Finland or how about the Sawtell Chilli Festival in Australia?).

COLLAGE 1A faithful Chile Trail follower in London, England sent us these pics from the Festival of Heat – London’s first chile (or chilli as they insist on spelling it) festival held at the Spitalfields City Farm in east London. Kind of makes you want to hop on a plane, doesn’t it?


So share your favs. Send us photos. Tell us how you gave your tongue a 3rd degree burn when you sampled that too-hot-to-trot hot sauce. Regale us with the jalapeno contest you won (or lost).

The Chile Trail awaits.